Experiment 1: the Datum

Link to Blog one - Three word

Section Sketches and Textures - Missing, due to required to scan in (late)

Concept Ideas: 

Building Design, ended up being a window/balcony area.

Concept Ideas: Cont.
Potential Staircase Design - Didn't use.

Terrain Layout Concept 

Crater was for a Sphere to show impact/power.

Idea Developed.  Zoomed

An Idea developed to show "Elegance and Power"
"Section cut to show second level, underground with stairs"

Random Shots - Stairs included

Nice Camera Shot - 
No Render/lighting - Keeps putting text to the side

Simple Animation - Video

Review, Conclusion.

Interesting, stressful assignment, maybe I tried to do too much?. Was weird learning new programs for modelling, considering it's a different tool set. Navigation compared to Maya, Mari, Zbrush etc was a pain, but overall pretty powerful software, once you install extensions.

What needed to be done? 

- Upload Sketches
- Upload Textures
- Not Be Late


What would I like to have done!.

- Proper Topology for the inside of the building, so I'm able to create a fantastic interior, match in with the exterior. I did create a pool though

- Proper Texturing, Lighting and Rendering but i'm assuming not necessary for the required assignment?

- Finish the Garden, along with a few details on the house/building, also construct a proper work area   underneath

- Used the extension tools from the start

- Work on a Scheme for presentation

No work to post due to  "NDA" - Adventure of a lightime, Cold play

Something interesting, I mean have you not seen monkeys dance?. This goes through the process/steps from start to finish, showing creative work and fantastic art. Art doesn't always have to be a still image. We start from a Model "Monkey", adding fur using various technology, matteID's to create easy identification. Creating background models, show various lightning techniques to create a "real light simulation" and replication of shadows, using passes and compositing skills to blend in the created art to the finalized product. ALOT more steps used, but just an overall outline.

Abu Dhabi - Etihad Towers

Abu Dhabi just has an array of fantastic Architecture, I could post a million pictures of great Architecture, but this just struck out to me. 

A reflection of Abu Dhabi's modern, sophisticated and luxurious ambitions, Etihad Towers is a spectacular five-tower development and a sparkling addition to the city's skyline. It also accomplishes the promise of a new lifestyle destination, which is much-sought after in the capital city of the UAE.

My Backyard - I am awaited, I am awaited in VAHALLA!!! Witness ME!!!

Was just chilling in my room, doing some work/3D Modelling stuff and looked out my window. I new I was awaited in Vahalla, all shiny and chrome. Just thought this was a nice, quick photo capturing rare moments in the sky.

Noun: Confidence
Verb: Styling
Adjective: Elegant

Noun: Power
Verb: Growl

Noun: Art
Verb: Colour
Adjective: Enchanting